Sustainable Focus was engaged by SA Pathology Engineering Services to design and project manage a comprehensive upgrade for the 18,000 m2 site. The brief was to reduce energy costs whilst simultaneously improving work conditions. The project will see a 40% reduction in energy use, equivalent to saving 800,000 kWh per year, and the annual energy cost savings of $104,000 will result in an overall project payback of 3 years.
Key Outcomes
The upgrade included installing a holding tank plumbed into the toilet block to use waste water for filling toilet cisterns.
A new washer disinfector was installed to make use of a simple re-use system that saves 30% of water used in wash cycle.
Toilets have been converted from single flush to dual flush.
Upgrading the BMS has reduced demand on the cooling tower by lowering the running time of the chiller.
The roof has been treated with highly reflective paint to reduce plant room temperature and chiller load.
Heat reclaim systems have been integrated and control improved.
Differential pressure sensors have been installed and fans regulated.