Demand Management

Peak Time Optimisation:

Our EMS demand management technology can automatically adjust electricity usage during peak demand periods. By doing so, your business can avoid higher network costs associated with peak usage and contribute to grid stability, preventing grid overloads and potential outages during periods of high demand.

Time-Based Rates Capitalisation:

The integration of time-based rates allows businesses to capitalise on varying electricity prices throughout the day. By aligning energy-intensive activities with lower-cost periods, you can achieve significant energy savings and promote a more efficient use of energy resources.

Balancing Supply and Demand:

By encouraging users to adjust their consumption patterns, especially during peak periods, energy providers can better manage the overall load on the grid, helping prevent grid congestion, enhancing system reliability, and minimising the risk of blackouts or disruptions.

Financial Incentives for Users:

Where available, demand management and response programs provide financial incentives for users to modify their electricity consumption behaviour. Participants receive monetary rewards, creating a win-win situation by shifting energy-intensive activities to off-peak hours or reducing overall usage during specific periods.

Overall Grid Reliability Improvement:

The collective impact of widespread participation in demand management and response programs contributes to the overall reliability of the electricity grid. By reducing stress on the system during peak periods and optimising energy usage, these initiatives enhance the grid’s resilience, ensuring a stable and efficient supply of electricity to all users.


Take The Next Step

Ready to transform your business and make a positive impact on the environment? Contact us today for a free consultation. Let’s embark on a journey towards a more sustainable and cost-effective future together.